Tuesday, May 25, 2010

27. the last blog of the Freshmen year... !!! ???

hello all, this is my all-time favorite animal: Lemur !!!!
look how cute is he:D

what so ever, we finish a big year by laughs, stres, depressed moments and of course lots of work:D
but i am very happy to spend my entire year with Sonja - our precious as pearl teacher who sends tons of emails :D - and i think a have learnt so much things, not just about English , but about the life itself.

"life is mono..." means life is monotone and unique. i thought about this sentence a lot while i am in this school but especially when I'm in this dorm, struggling with people...

so anyway, have a good summer holiday my dear friends and Sonja, and good luck with your add drop for the next year. don't forget me!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

26. If Precious had blue eyes...

she wouldnt have beaten by her mother
she wouldnt have abused by her father
she wouldnt have raped TWICE by her father
her first child Mongo wouldnt be otistic
she would have learn something at school
it wouldnt be necessary for the welfare money
because she had not blue eyes;
pecola and precious would be good friends,
moreover, they could raise their children together
they would be good mothers inspite their own mother
they would teach how to love and to be loved
how to take care
how to think
how to valuing yourself
pecola's situation was a bit complex than precious'
because of her young age the burdens her father put onto her shoulders
make her "disappear" from this world
and finally
she is happy and she feels beautiful with her blue eyes...

although precious has caught to HIV and her mother has finally understood her mistakes
she has refusesd all of these and has startd a new life on her own, on her feet.
she would enjoy the life and living
because she would be beautiful with her blue eyes...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

25. Songs and slangs in the novel

there are lots of slangs in the novel which are used to strengthen the effect of "blackness".
  • "Ya’ll soaked ain’t you” p.149
  • Black e mo. Yadaddsleepsnekked” p.65
  • “I yam what I yam?” p.180
  • Gimme, shet up, git the wash, wid it, thas them, looka here, dyin
  • nookeymeans sex for the black women who come from the South.
  • Funk” is a descriptive word which is used to describe the black features of a human(dark skin, thickmouth..)
    • bout=about
    • llowed=
    • Scairt=scared
    • Dere go da heart=there goes the heart. p.135
    • head=ahead
    • long=along
    • Li’l=little
    • member=remember
    • spect=expect
    • Caint=cannot p.142
and the writer uses lots of samples from different songs again to intensify the meanings of the events and the characters.

there is a hymn which i particularly give attention because it's about god and the song is sang in the novel at the very part where Frieda's dad hit Mr.Henry because he abused Frieda.While Mr.Henry was leaving the house he started to sing this hymn.

24. the pop quiz - not pub :D-

last week we had a pop quiz about the novel. our theme - the cute girls- won ofcourse:D we answered 33/40 of the questions correctly. i wish good luck to my team- to contunuie our success in the second quiz, and to our rivals- korkun bizden:D

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

23. The Bluest Eye _ Volume 4: Summer

claudia and frieda tried to help pecola by plant the seeds, burry the money and sell their bike.

after the rape, cholly and sammy went.we learnt that cholly raped pecola one more time, while she was sitting on the couch. and pecola didn't bother to tell it to Mrs. breedlove because she knew that she would not believe her and he would slap her again.
she went mad and she created herself an imagined friend called Blue.

her baby was born premature and died.
cholly died in the workhouse.

i will write a new post which i will examine the last parts of the novel.

22. Soaphead Church

i hated him when he killed the dog, Bob. no matter how old a creature is, it has rights to live as long as God give.

elihue micah whitcomb, or the soaphead church, is a egocentric child molester who likes to touch little girls.

in the novel, there are lots of explanations ;
  • why he likes to the girls only: because the boys are tough and hard to get near.
  • why he tries to kill the innocent dog: to stop his sufferings- because he is too old...
  • why he rejects pecola at her first attempt but later why he decides to help her: because her wish was the hardest and he knew that he "couldn't" make it happen but then he saw that pecola was needed help and she was too ugly to reject and of course that dog was needed to die...
  • why he tries to play the God: because he make some body's wishes come true and thinks that he has the power to change the people's destiny.
  • why he is a molester: because Velma looked at him very badly when he wanted to touch her but the little ones don't. they eat their candies and soaphead touches them; a fair agreement.
"no look that makes you feel dirty afterward. that makes yo want to die, with little girls its all clean good and friendly." (p. 181)

"evil existed because god had created it.he,god, had made a sloven and unforgivable error in judgement: designing an imperfect universe" p. 172

"god had done a poor job and soaphead suspected that he himself could have done better" p. 173

by this quotes we can clearly see that he tries to play god and actually he believes that he could do better then him. that is a prove that soaphead is an egocentric.

Monday, May 3, 2010

21. The Bluest Eye _ Volume 3: Spring [Continue]

with the helps of jake, cholly had an opportunity to hang out with darlene. when they were having sex for the first time, 2 white men with their flashlights forced him to continue. he was having his worst nightmare which will shape his future and his character.

after the death of his aunt, cholly began his trip to find his real father, samson fuller.
samson was a crap father and he rejected cholly. but cholly had some questions like: "how would he know him? would he look like a larger version of himself?..." p. 154

soon he began to cry; "if he was very still, he thought, and kept his eyes on one thing the tears would not come" p. 156. these were the tears of manhood.

there is a quote by the way which i could not understand it completely: "they give him back his manhood, which he takes aimlessly." p. 159.
and afterwards he became free because he had no relatives.

when he was too drunk to mix his daughter and his wife, he raped pecola because "she shifted her weight and stood on one foot scratching the back of her calf with her toe. ... the timid tucked-in look of the scratching toe- that was what pauline was doing the first time he saw her in Kentucky" p. 162.

there is a man called soaphead church, which he thought of himself he had a power to make peoples wishes come true and he likes to touch the little girls' breast. he questionizes god and his job and see that he could do better. [there is a separate post on soaphead church]