Monday, November 30, 2009

5. toughness and violence

Mascular, strong, independent, powerful, respected, violent, tough! These are some adjectives that describes "men" from the eyes of men.Why do men try to look bigger and violent? The answer is simple: it is emposed in media! We can see lots of examples for this:
Female bodies were projected as skinny and well-developed since the fashion become.In old times females were a bit more fat and not so skinny; as the technology developed, the expantations of men from women grew bigger so women meet their expectations to survive in fashion and beauty etc. Now models are too skinny - and anorecsic and sick- and they think its the new standart of beauty!
On the other hand while women get thinner and thinner males get bigger and mascular. Not only in real life but toys like action man etc perform the new trend of "masculinity".

All of these examples show us that media emposes some "themes" during the time.What appears in the media not always the truth and the news arent always reliable.For example because media emposes violence as a man thing and it seems normal for a man to make violence so when a women do violence it hits the news as it is something very extraordinary.

To sum up, media interferes a lot to form these themes and affect people, mostly young males who sees TV as a school.


  1. Interestıng observations...But what do you think of Jackson Katz's hypothesis that men getting bigger and women getting smaller is a response to women's increased power since the 1960s women's movement? In other words, that men have reacted to women's increased assertion by creating even more outrageous images of dominance?

  2. i watched the tough guise one more time with Ayşe and i think woman's movement helped us- to women- a lot to fight more for ourselves against men.
