Tuesday, May 18, 2010

26. If Precious had blue eyes...

she wouldnt have beaten by her mother
she wouldnt have abused by her father
she wouldnt have raped TWICE by her father
her first child Mongo wouldnt be otistic
she would have learn something at school
it wouldnt be necessary for the welfare money
because she had not blue eyes;
pecola and precious would be good friends,
moreover, they could raise their children together
they would be good mothers inspite their own mother
they would teach how to love and to be loved
how to take care
how to think
how to valuing yourself
pecola's situation was a bit complex than precious'
because of her young age the burdens her father put onto her shoulders
make her "disappear" from this world
and finally
she is happy and she feels beautiful with her blue eyes...

although precious has caught to HIV and her mother has finally understood her mistakes
she has refusesd all of these and has startd a new life on her own, on her feet.
she would enjoy the life and living
because she would be beautiful with her blue eyes...


  1. This is a lovely post. :)) I really like the comparison between Precious and Pecola, as well as the hypothetical musings..

    A couple things you could do to improve it:
    -First note the use of the third conditional in the first sentence:

    ...she wouldn't have *been* beaten by her mother

    ...she wouldn't have *been* abused by her father


    (In the main clause of a third conditional sentence, you use the past tense of the modal verb).

    -Actually, Precious' father started sexually abusing her when she was a baby... :((

    -And her child has Down's Syndrome rather than autism.

    What did you think of the film?

  2. i loved the film and it hit me from the heart. but on the other hand i envied the streght precious had

  3. I totaly agree with her about the film because my first impression was how effective it is for that reason it hits me from my heart too.:)
