Thursday, December 17, 2009

10.PUB QUIZ- without drinks!!! =((

We had a quiz on last tuesday which was called "pub quiz". Sonja explained this inordinary name for the quiz that in England, people do this quiz an a pub!!! With the effects of alcohol, they have fun with the question which are mainly about general knowledge. What we did was nothing but "fun" comparing to the real pub quiz=)) Sonja asked questions about our lectures like "Who wrote "And of clay are we created?" or "How many blogs should you write until the ned of the semester?" etc. and we all answered these questions as a group, ÇARŞI; because the prize was enormous!!! The grades will be one step higher of the winner team! So we worked hard- but not hard enough i guess..- and we tried all the best we can, but UNFORTUNATELY we lose it... ="((

As a member of my group, i say "congragulations!!" to all my rival team members:D And if this quiz ever happens AGAİN we will beat you up!!! =P

Friday, December 11, 2009

9.domination of WOMEN

In this text the author mentions that men "marked" women in so many ways.She used these examples;
-In humans there are 2 different chromosomes X and Y.Where a baby boy cannot live without the X chromosome, but a baby girl can survive with the chromosomes of XO which is a genetic disorder.So men need a "marked" gene to live!!
-We call a male from the age 1 till his death "Mr." but in females its different; we call miss(ms.) to the girls and madame(mrs.) to the women. [notice how we write mrs. ...]

We can combine this text with the film "killing us softly". The author of the film emphasized that women had been using for the pleasures of men.They use us in media, fashion, and in beauty most commonly.For example a woman with a nice body can expose herself in a commercial and can gain a lot of money.But are we sure that we wanna be a billionerre in this way?? For me its ridicilous to expose by body for the pleasure of men or help a product to make it sell more.

We can see examples of "marking" in the text of a woman on a roof.In there, the woman in red bikini rejects to hide away from those 3man who were peeping at her because she was "half naked." and insisted in avoiding them.For those men she was a precious material which could sunbathe their pleasures and eyes.

In conclusion, there are mentalities to use woman as a pleasure material for men but we -as strong, independent womans- should fight back, resist and finally dominate ourselves!!!
Because a woman is precious more than the most beautiful diamond in the world...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

8.Presantation that didn't fulfill the expectations...

We were going to presantate "the woman on a roof" text by dorris Lessing today, on thursday on the tenth of december.We thought we were so ready that our slide show was nearly perfect, so did what was written in the show as information.While we were presanting, Sonja-our lovely teacher =) - caused us to sweat with her tough questions about the connections between our text and the others. She asked about the analysis of the text and of course in connection with the relation of this text to the others - i assumed that our text is the most significant one among the others and the most symbolic one.-
She didn't like or didn't see enough our analysis and our deductions of the text so she commented us to work hardly on the next time which is going to be V for Vendetta.

I was excited because my parts were long and more detailed.Historical context was in my part and i thought that i have searched it enough but she said that it was nothing but enough! So i was a little disappointed but understood where i did wrong.

Our friends said that we have no outline, no proper references.Long sentences in the slide bored the audience.they also added that we repeated the summary twice or more! :D

Sonja asked these questions for suggestition;
-What do the characters represent?
-Why did she use this language?
-What is the significance of early 1960s London?
-what about these symbols?
the roof
the weather
the bikini
the color red

So in our real presantation we will pay a special attention to those points and will present you the perfect presantation!!!

7.Tv or Cause of bad habits?? (!)

The author of the text "TV: the plug-in drug" mentions that TV is the bad seed of everything.It affects children, married couples, social communicatition in bad ways.The serious damage of TV is mostly to a person.When a person watches long hours of TV, the communication skills of that person is damaged.
These are her ideas but i dont agree with her.I think TV is a good entertainment instrument when people have free time and have nothing to do.Reading books and communicating are ofcourse other options, but i think sometimes people just wanna sit and do nothing! At those times TV becomes our best friend.You dont have to make an effort to watch it and it entertains you.It gives you joy, it provides you comfort and it expects nothing! On this big universe, is there anything else that gives you that much pleasure and still wants nothing???

On the other hand, its true that in Turkey, people dont know how to watch it.They sat infront of it for hours and they enjoy killing their time which is sooo precious...

The publishers and TV channel managers know how addicted the public of Turkey to the TV, so they extend a 70-90 minutes film or a show to 130-150 minutes with summaries of the previous episodes and commercials so that they earn MUCH MORE MONEY!!!
I'm against this because they put the public like they are a bunch of idiots.So i save the turkish soaps -thanks to digiturk plus =) - and watch them with fastforwarding the commercials =)

The presantation group was well organized and dominant to the topic and the story.They developed a good thesis.At the end of their presantation, they mentioned their own opinions and it was nice to hear them.

6.Being a man...

In the story we see an Afro-American "black" teenager called Dave; who was triying to get some respect.He thougt that if he would have a gun, everybody -both blacks and whites- would show respect to him and that gun would make him "a real man".In the story the main idea is the inequilities between the whites and blacks.

Throughout the story, he got some money from his mom and bought a gun.While he was playing with that gun on the open field, Jenny - the mule- was shot and died.The owner of he mule came ,and the others too, and they laughed all togetherly at him because of this funny event.So instead of getting respect, he got teased.

There are lots of ideas of racism, inequility in the text.The writer is also an afro-american, so these racism and inequilities arent distal to him.

Our friends who presantate this text wasnt fully prevail to the story.There are symbols like gun,mule -i think it's important too for having a name like Jenny- and "being a man"; the dialogues were written in afro-american style and they didnt mention these.Although there were some problems, it was nice to hear them !!!