Friday, December 11, 2009

9.domination of WOMEN

In this text the author mentions that men "marked" women in so many ways.She used these examples;
-In humans there are 2 different chromosomes X and Y.Where a baby boy cannot live without the X chromosome, but a baby girl can survive with the chromosomes of XO which is a genetic disorder.So men need a "marked" gene to live!!
-We call a male from the age 1 till his death "Mr." but in females its different; we call miss(ms.) to the girls and madame(mrs.) to the women. [notice how we write mrs. ...]

We can combine this text with the film "killing us softly". The author of the film emphasized that women had been using for the pleasures of men.They use us in media, fashion, and in beauty most commonly.For example a woman with a nice body can expose herself in a commercial and can gain a lot of money.But are we sure that we wanna be a billionerre in this way?? For me its ridicilous to expose by body for the pleasure of men or help a product to make it sell more.

We can see examples of "marking" in the text of a woman on a roof.In there, the woman in red bikini rejects to hide away from those 3man who were peeping at her because she was "half naked." and insisted in avoiding them.For those men she was a precious material which could sunbathe their pleasures and eyes.

In conclusion, there are mentalities to use woman as a pleasure material for men but we -as strong, independent womans- should fight back, resist and finally dominate ourselves!!!
Because a woman is precious more than the most beautiful diamond in the world...

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff here!

    First of all, try to be clearer about Tannen's argument. She is saying that although women are marked socially, it is actually MEN who are marked biologically. Why does she make this comparison? As a feminist, she is questioning on what basis society marks women, and is strongly implying that the social marking of women is unjustified.

    Hmmm...I think we really only start using "Mr" when a male is an adult... :) But I love your observation about "Mrs" - it looks like two Misters! I had never thought about this before.

    Good examples of how women are marked in the film and the story.

    I like your point about dominating ourselves - there is a misconception that feminism aims to dominate men, but really its goals are to help women become their own subjects.
