Friday, March 12, 2010

5. İdentity

They asked maulouf what is your identity? and he answered "both" as he considered himself as Lebanese and french.He says "Arabic is my first language and I discovered Dickens, Dumas and "Gulliver's Travels" in the Arabic translation, and I felt happy for the first time as a child in my village in the mountains, the village of my ancestors where I heard some of the stories that would help me later write my novels. How could I forget all of this? How could I untie myself from it?". This quote tells us that nationality, choosing an identity is nothing but forming borders to a human's brain, soul...

i tried to choose the parts that make me think deeply about this topic and i wanted to share them with you...

"If these people cannot live their multiple belongings, if they constantly have to choose between one side or the other, if they are ordered to get back to their tribe, we have the right to be worried about the basic way the world functions. "

"Thinking about a Turk born almost 30 years ago near Frankfurt, and who has always lived in Germany, and who speaks and writes the German language better than the language of his Fathers. To his adopted society, he is not German, to his society of birth, he is no longer really Turkish. Common sense dictates that he could claim to belong to both cultures. But nothing in the law or in the mentality of either allows him to assume in harmony his combined identity. "

"Half French and half Lebanese, then? Not at all! The identity cannot be compartmentalized; it cannot be split in halves or thirds, nor have any clearly defined set of boundaries. I do not have several identities, I only have one, made of all the elements that have shaped its unique proportions. "

Like Hitler, trying to create a pure blood "nationality", asking maulouf which identity do you belong to is nothing but a genocide, don't you think??


  1. yes, it is a kind of metaphoric genocide..the sources of our identities are endless..this is what nationalism seeks to destroy.

  2. and by this post i've tried to destroy those limiters who tries to limit our identity
