Tuesday, January 5, 2010

18. What have i learnt in ENG 101 Class??

Well first of all, i learnt to be punctual.Works had to be done on time!
We should do our works neatly.We should do the readings on time and we shouldnt just skim them because later we have to read them anyway:D So here is a list of things for Ayşe which are TOTALLY true for me too. So with the permission of my roommate,here the LİST =)) ;

1)I get used to read long stories which lasted 10-20 pages.
2)I learnt literary terms like anti-hero,omniscient narration,dynamic character etc.
3)I get used to read serious articles about society's issues, in English.
(and i thought more deeply on photojournalism and reality shows)
4)I learnt "citation" and how to write academic articles in APA format.
5)I learnt how i must plan my article before writing it.
6)I learnt how to BLOG properly and continiously.( it is an important step for me because it was one of my ambitions , and thanks to this blog i created my personal blog in Turkish. I realised it is a habit. And i gained it with my ENG 101 blog.(i cant agree ayşe at this point =))
7)I learnt how to use Creative Commons and learned a new adress for finding photos: Flickr.
8)I learnt how to find academic articles with Google Scholar. And how to find them in Sabanci's information center.
9)İ learnt how to combine ideas between texts.
10)And Thank you SOnja, i love english one more time!!!


17. About Practice Essay

Before i wrote my practice essay, i read the texts one more time and while i was reading them i took some notes to remember the examples.While i was writing, it was kind of hard for me to start with the thesis but no introduction.So first i wrote the main part of my essay then i wrote my thesis.İ dont know if it was a good idea but that was how it was easy for me.İ noticed that i have more thing to write about on Tannen's text because it covers lots of examples.İ wanted cover all the examples that i remember.İ wanted to make connections between 2 texts.So developing the main part wasnt that hard for me.For conclusion part i paraphrase my sentences in the introduction.

After im done with writing, i read my work and send it =))

I hope that tomorrow, we will all succeed in our final exams. GOOD LUCK FOR US!!!!

16. Presantation - V for Vendetta

I hope this time we made a good presentation.We worked very hard this time,and i think we achieved! Our friends told us that it was too comprehensive and that i talked most of the time during presenting.But this time we made good analysis of the film, we examined the film from head-to-toe and i think we covered all the important issues.
So the final decision will be made by Sonja and ı'm looking forward it =))

Monday, January 4, 2010

15. Practice Essay

Compare & contrast the texts "marked woman" and "a woman on a roof" by means of status of woman in society.

Women had no freedom to be unmarked like man.We can understand it by examining and comparing these two texts marked woman and a woman on a roof which both denote the same idea that women are marked!

Lessing wrote a story named "a woman on a roof" at 1960s.At that time people find her very strict about female rights - she was named as a feminist- In her story she created a woman with no fear of men, not annoyed by their glances and continued her work- sunbathing.If we look through Tannen's eyes to this story- especially to her- Tannen would probably say that she was marked by men.Because she was beautiful and had no one to stop her, those 3 men thought that they had rights to look to her because she was there right in front of their eyes on the neighbour roof.
According to Tannen, a great majority of women are marked.She gave lots of examples to indicate women's marks.For example; in grammer some verbs and nouns are marked with the endings like -ess and -ette.These words are seen as "female" in the society.She also assumed that there is no marked women.A woman would be marked anyway either she wears sexy clothes and sends a message of "available" or wears normal clothes and still sends a message like "i'm not that type of woman!". The biggest marks are prefixes.A male uses "Mr." from the day of born till his death.But a woman need to change her "Ms." to "Mrs." when she got married.It is also common to think that taking husband's surname for a married woman is a mark.Tannen also added that using the both surnames is a mark too.
She also pointed out a different perspective by looking from a varied point of view; biology! She said that female chromosomes XX represented as a "female".Male chromosomes are XY and she denoted only Y didnt have any function.Y needs a X to form a MALE.
Tannen also used Fasold's article to support her ideas.Fasold explained that girls were borned with fully female bodies; but boys born with modified female bodies.He asked, Why do men have nipples???? He also added that there are few species that only produce female babies by parthonogenesis but no species that only produce males - there would be an extinction in the first generation anyway...-. he explained that in honey bees worker bees dont involve with the reproduction thing so they dont need any gender but they are named as "females".So even they are marked...

If we compare Lessing's and Tannen's point of views to the women, we can easily see that they both think that women are marked in the society by men whether they wish or not.Society doesnt give them freedom to be unmarked.

14. Error Correction WS

Sonja gave us a worksheet that contains several wrong sentences or phrases.so here are the correct ones;

1)the Jim Hawkins
2)He is lack of self-confidence
4)He couldn't success to be a man
5)open the TV
6)They behaved her very badly
7)his husband
8)people grow their children
9)listening them
10)our wearings
11)men with similar dresses

1)Jim Hawkins
2)He is not self-confident
4)He couldn't manage to be a man
5)Turn on the TV
6)They treated her badly
7)her husband
8)people raise their children
9)listening to them
10)our clothes
11)men with similar clothes

Have a nice day everyone.Study hard!!! =))

Sunday, January 3, 2010

13. New Year's FIRST Monday Syndrome

It's 22.40 right now and i dont the minutes to past away....

Soon it will be "THE MONDAY" and the stressfull school days soon will start.

I have a very busy week this week so i need to be punctual to done my works completely.I have a boyfriend who wants to be with me all the time, i have a friend who came back from USA for christmas holiday and left only a week, so she wants to be with me too.But i have plenty of works that should be done.

SO i want to duplicate myself - hatta triplicate=)- one for school works and lectures, one for my pleasures and sleep and one for friends, boyfriend etc...

But i'm big enough to know that it's just a dream but nothing else.

Friday, January 1, 2010


We are on the first day of 2010.We have passed one more year with the
bittersweats of life... I wish you all a very good year -better than the last one =) - and i hope that all our wishes come true this year...

11. V 4 Vendetta !

As "pink group" we have to presantate the film V for Vendetta.We watched the movie twice so that we can understand the symbols and connect them with the theme of anarchy.

I didn't like the film but i have to watch it so it was a little hard for me to watch a film twice although i didn't like it.But when we discussed on it we analyzed it deeply and we found lots of symbols and events that connect with the historical background.

This film was made of from a comic book which was named as v for vendetta too.Critizers make lots of good comments about the comic book; the different style of drawing, the ability of giving the "motion" of that anarchy etc. So they created a big expectation for the film.I have paid lots of attention to catch the symbols in the film so i couldn't manage to "watch" it from a critical eye.But my friends said that it was a successful film.So i recommend everyone to watch it, at least to grasp some ideas of british revolution idea.