Tuesday, January 5, 2010

16. Presantation - V for Vendetta

I hope this time we made a good presentation.We worked very hard this time,and i think we achieved! Our friends told us that it was too comprehensive and that i talked most of the time during presenting.But this time we made good analysis of the film, we examined the film from head-to-toe and i think we covered all the important issues.
So the final decision will be made by Sonja and ı'm looking forward it =))


  1. How can it be 'too comprehensive'? Honestly, sometimes student feedback comments make me laugh...would they prefer that it was 'not comprehensive enough'? :))

  2. but you didnt see their faces- esspecially their eyes- they were all SLEEPİNGGGGG
    it demotivated us:D after the presantation some of them told us "çok uzundu be abi. hani anladık herşeyi irdelemek istemişsiniz ama çok uzundu yani..."

  3. Dear Ezgi,

    Don't worry about longness. I think it is not a mistake. Congratulations about your presentation, i would like to watch it !

  4. It was NOT too long; do not be persuaded by a lack of attention span on the part of the audience!

  5. i dont think that it was THAT long. so anyway i will continue to go on the road that i know is right =)

  6. You didn't talk most of the time, you talked all the time during the presentation ezgi. We, as her groupmates, just stood there and nodded what she said
