Monday, January 4, 2010

15. Practice Essay

Compare & contrast the texts "marked woman" and "a woman on a roof" by means of status of woman in society.

Women had no freedom to be unmarked like man.We can understand it by examining and comparing these two texts marked woman and a woman on a roof which both denote the same idea that women are marked!

Lessing wrote a story named "a woman on a roof" at 1960s.At that time people find her very strict about female rights - she was named as a feminist- In her story she created a woman with no fear of men, not annoyed by their glances and continued her work- sunbathing.If we look through Tannen's eyes to this story- especially to her- Tannen would probably say that she was marked by men.Because she was beautiful and had no one to stop her, those 3 men thought that they had rights to look to her because she was there right in front of their eyes on the neighbour roof.
According to Tannen, a great majority of women are marked.She gave lots of examples to indicate women's marks.For example; in grammer some verbs and nouns are marked with the endings like -ess and -ette.These words are seen as "female" in the society.She also assumed that there is no marked women.A woman would be marked anyway either she wears sexy clothes and sends a message of "available" or wears normal clothes and still sends a message like "i'm not that type of woman!". The biggest marks are prefixes.A male uses "Mr." from the day of born till his death.But a woman need to change her "Ms." to "Mrs." when she got married.It is also common to think that taking husband's surname for a married woman is a mark.Tannen also added that using the both surnames is a mark too.
She also pointed out a different perspective by looking from a varied point of view; biology! She said that female chromosomes XX represented as a "female".Male chromosomes are XY and she denoted only Y didnt have any function.Y needs a X to form a MALE.
Tannen also used Fasold's article to support her ideas.Fasold explained that girls were borned with fully female bodies; but boys born with modified female bodies.He asked, Why do men have nipples???? He also added that there are few species that only produce female babies by parthonogenesis but no species that only produce males - there would be an extinction in the first generation anyway...-. he explained that in honey bees worker bees dont involve with the reproduction thing so they dont need any gender but they are named as "females".So even they are marked...

If we compare Lessing's and Tannen's point of views to the women, we can easily see that they both think that women are marked in the society by men whether they wish or not.Society doesnt give them freedom to be unmarked.


  1. Well done for taking the initiative on this!

    Overall, I would say this is a pretty good attempt. You clearly understand the texts and have given a lot of examples. You also open directly with a thesis and end with a summary. I can make a few suggestions:

    -If you are comparing and contrasting, try to balance the two texts. Here you talk much more about Tannen than Lessing. You could develop your discussion on the story. And remember you have to assume your audience hasn't read it, so you need to be explicit.

    -I think it would be better to start with Tannen so that you explain the concept of "marked" to the audience.

    -Your first sentence should be in the present tense: "Women have...". And always use the present tense to describe what a writer is trying to do in a text. "Tannen points out..."

    -Make the breaks in your paragraphs clearer.

    -The point Tannen makes about suffixes such as -ess and -ette is that they have the effect of minimising the status of women. For example, a "poetess" is taken less seriously than a "poet".

    -I'm not sure the bit about biology is completely relevant, since she is showing there how men are marked as opposed to women.

    -It's a bit short at 463 words and you didn't indicate how much time you spent planning, writing and proofreading.

    I think I would put this in the low B range, but with attention to the feedback points above, it could be much higher.

  2. I didnt have time to write about my planning so im writing it now.Thank you for your feedbacks they are really useful for me to develop myself
